Thursday 23 August 2012

The 3 Women Who Will Grace The Face Of The Proposed N5000 Note

Margret Ekpo 
Fumilayo Ransome - Kuti

The Central Bank of Nigeria this evening announced that it will introduce the N5, 000 note into the system, but contrary to speculations that CBN planned to use Nigeria's late former president, Umar Musa Yar'adua's face on the note, it has now been announced that the faces of three late prominent Nigerian female activists will be used on the new notes which will be launched next year.

The women are:
1. Margaret Ekpo: Late politician and social mobilizer (1914 - 2006)
2. Hajia Gambo Sawaba: Late politician and activist (1933 - 2001)
3. Funmilayo Kuti: Late Politician and women's right activist (1900 -1978)

Hajiya gambo

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