Thursday 23 August 2012

Kidnapped ESUT VC: Lecturers Protest

MEMBERS of Academic Staff Union of Universities , ASUU, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT Branch, Thursday, protested the non-release of their Vice-Chancellor, Professor Cyprian Onyeji, nine days after his abduction by suspected kidnappers.

The academic staff led by their chairman, Dr. Agu Gab Agu, demanded the immediate release of the Vice Chancellor who was abducted at the gate of the ESUT permanent site at Agbani Wednesday last week.

After spending  nine days in captivity, nothing meaningful has been heard from his abductors except the rumour that their earlier demand for N200 million ransom had been reduced to N50 million.

The lecturers who marched round the former temporary site of the university at Independence Layout, Enugu, dressed in their academic gowns  displayed placards with various inscriptions.

Some of them read: “Kidnapping is anti-intellectualism”, “ESUT is not safe for academic exercise”, “Set free our VC to continue his good works”, “Please release our VC for everybody’s happiness” and “All we are saying give us protection in our work place”.

The protest was preceded by a prayer session conducted by Professor John Obasikene, the Dean Students Affairs.

Addressing the lecturers, the ASUU Chairman, said: “As colleagues of Prof. Cyprian Onyeji, we attest that he is a good natured man who will not wish the abduction of an enemy.

”We join well-meaning persons to pray and demand that his abductors bring him back safely to rejoin his family, friends and colleagues, now.”

Agu urged the lecturers not to relent in their prayers for the release of the Vice-Chancellor whom he described as a financial member of ASUU.

He enjoined the aggrieved lecturers to get involved in the search for the VC, advising them to send any information they may have about the VC’s abductors to the appropriate security agencies.

Meanwhile, non –academic staff and students of the university have continued to hold special prayer sessions for the release of the Vice Chancellor while appealing to his abductors to set him free without further delay.

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