Wednesday 22 August 2012

Oko Prison Break: Prison Service Captures 4 escapees

Four out of the 12 inmates that escaped from the Oko prison in Benin, the Edo state capital, have been recaptured  and currently are awaiting trial.

This was made known by a statement from the Nigerian Prison Service.

The prison service in a statement signed by the Deputy Controller of Prisons, Kayode Odeyemi maintained that concerted efforts by prison officials in collaboration with other security agencies are on to recapture the remaining eight inmates.

“The Controller General of Prisons Mr. Zakari Ibrahim after paying on the sport assessment visit on the Oko Prison on Sunday morning observed that the escape was facilitated by devices suspected to be explosives, which was used to create holes on the cell walls and the back perimeter fence in quick successions” the statement added.

The Controller General regretted the incident, noting that it is coming at a time when relative calmness is being experienced all over the prisons as a result of improved synergy with other security organizations.

He added that the unfortunate incident is already being investigated.

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