Thursday 23 August 2012

Gunmen Attack Police Guarding Damaturu Prison

Gunmen yesterday engaged police personnel on guard and destroyed Damaturu Satellite Prison along Gashua road in Damaturu, Yobe State.
Greenwich news gathered that the assailants engaged the police in a massive exchange of gunfire and throwing of explosives that lasted over two hours.
A witness told our correspondent that the gun duel began shortly after 11am. “There was massive exchange of gunfire and throwing of explosives at the police by the gunmen until the arrival of military and police reinforcement.”
Another witness said “the police were ambushed on their way back from Sani Abacha Specialist Hospital where they deposited a corpse killed by gunmen on Tuesday night. The gunmen suddenly appeared and opened fire at the police, throwing IEDs, and the attack was repelled after reinforcement from the police headquarters and the military”.
Yobe State Police Commissioner Patrick Egbuniwe confirmed the attack, saying “the attack was carried out by suspected Boko haram members on our men at the prison yard; they were throwing can bombs and shooting, but the attack was repelled successfully by the police and JTF, few sustained wounds”. He said three suspects have been arrested.
Meanwhile, the Joint Task Force (JTF) operation restore order 3 in Yobe state has called on residents of Damaturu, the state capital not to panic over a recent attempt by gunmen to attack security operatives in the town.
A statement by the JTF said residents should go about their normal activities as it has successfully repelled the attempted attack that occurred at Ajari ward.

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