Wednesday 8 August 2012

Declaration Of Self - Government: Ogoni Leader Backs Down

The factional leader of the Movement Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP) led by Goodluck Diigbo has made a ‘U’ turn on the recent declaration of Ogoni self government.
Diigbo, who is believed to be in hiding, in an online statement said the declaration of Ogoni autonomy did not mean that they are out of Nigeria, but that they have the right to chose where to stay.

“We are not saying we are out of Nigeria. We have a choice as part of this declaration to be part of it or out of it and at the moment we are part of Nigeria. It is internal autonomy which means self-government within Nigeria in accordance with the United Nations declaration on rights of indigenous people,” he said.

Diigbo said the environmental situation in Ogoniland necessitated the declaration of self government by his faction of MOSOP.

“Ogoni people are in a very difficult situation right now. The land has been totally destroyed as a result of 55 years of crude oil exploration”, he said.

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