Sunday 12 August 2012

Boko Haram in shootout With Nigeria Police

A shootout has been reported in the Bindigari area of Damaturu, capital of Yobe state, where militants of the Boko Haram sect have constantly engaged Nigeria’s security forces in deadly combat and suicide bombing.
The Yobe State Commissioner of Police, Mr Patrick Egbuniwe, confirmed the exchange of fire.
He said the incident happened today as security operatives went to the area on patrol.
“Gunmen as usual, have engaged our security operatives in a shoot-out.
“The operation is still on in the area, so we can not confirm casualties yet. Other parts of the town are, however, calm and security operatives are on top of the situation,’’ Egbuniwe stated.
Meanwhile, many residents have deserted the streets of the city for safety. Last week on 5 August, six soldiers and one civilian were killed in a suicide bomb attack along Gashua road in Damaturu.

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