Monday 24 September 2012

Gunmen set residence of Yobe Assembly Speaker and two others ablaze

Unidentified gunmen suspected to be members of Boko Haram, on Sunday, set ablaze residences of the Speaker of the Yobe State House of Assembly, Adamu Dala Dogo, and two others.

The other residences that were burnt down were that of a member of the House of Representatives, Goni Bukar and that of Alhaji Sheriff, the younger brother of the Yobe state Governor, Ibrahim Gaidam.

The residences of the speaker and the two others were located at Shagari Low Cost Housing Estate in Damaturu.

Unconfirmed reports also had it that the attackers  beheaded two men in the area.

Witnesses said the attacks were launched between 2AM and 4AM, Sunday morning, when the few people in the town were fast asleep and shortly after the 24 hour curfew imposed on Damaturu entered its second day.

“The fact is nobody was killed in the houses of the three personalities because both the Speaker, the Member of the Parliament and the governor’s brother evacuated their immediate families soon after peace eluded Damaturu.” “The local guards attached to all the houses have also flee,” Kabiru Musa, a resident of the area said.

“However, when I peeped through the window this morning, I saw a military pick up van zooming up with two beheaded bodies…it was a gory sight. I also saw smoke billowing in the direction of the house of the speaker,” Musa narrated.

A source at the Yobe State Police command confirmed the burning of the three houses and the killing of the two civilians.

The Joint Task Force (JTF) in Yobe State said about 60 suspected members of the Boko Haram were arrested over the weekend as the force confirmed that confrontation between security forces and insurgents was still ongoing.

Lieutenant Lazarus Eni, the spokesman of the JTF said that security forces have recorded “unprecedented success” in the clamp down on “suspected terrorists.”

“Over 60 suspects have been arrested and are being interrogated. As I am talking to you now (6.10pm) our men are exchanging fire with the terrorists in a location in Damaturu,” he said.

It was gathered that seven married women and 12 children were among the suspects arrested by the JTF operatives during a raid at Nasarawa, Pawari, Babbar Tsangaya and Nayinawa settlements, all in Damaturu.

Residents complain that water and electricity have been cut off completely in Damaturu.

“We are passing through trying moments but we pray for light at the end of the tunnel. We hope the cordon and search will yield results and rid the town of trouble makers,” Hajiya Falmata, a food vendor said.

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