Monday 30 July 2012

Nigerian Airforce Institute Graduates 158 Aerospace Engineers

The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Kaduna at the weekend graduated 158 aerospace engineers.  Speaking at the ceremony, the Acting Minister of Defence, Erelu Olusola Obada, said the development could make Nigeria the hub of aircraft servicing in the West African and beyond. She said such would enable the country to save money spent in foreign exchange in the maintenance of aircrafts.

“Permit me to state here that the foray of AFIT into unmanned aerial design and manufacture holds abundant potentials for the aerospace industry, not only in Nigeria but the entire West African sub-region. As you can see, there is nothing stopping us in Nigeria from being the maintenance hub of aircraft servicing in the region,” she said.

The minister promised that processes for an act to boost the activities of the institute would soon commence.

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