A boy of four cried 'Daddy's killed Mummy' and 'She's all red' after his soldier father murdered his mother in a frenzied knife attack at their home, a court heard.
Lance Corporal Ian Lowe, 25, is alleged to have kicked down the door to Leanne McNuff's home and stabbed her in the neck and arm before stamping on her face.
As the 24-year-old lay bleeding to death on the landing, the boy begged his grandmother, who had just arrived at the scene: 'Can you help Mummy, Nana?'

Manchester Crown Court was told the pair finally separated in February this year, after which Miss McNuff found out she was pregnant.
She called Lowe at his barracks in Catterick, North Yorkshire where he was serving in the 1st Battalion, the Duke of Lancaster Regiment, to tell him the news.
Lowe was allowed home by the Army and begged his ex girlfriend to take him back. However, an argument erupted and Lowe was charged with assault for trying to throttle her. A month later he told a friend he had discovered that Miss McNuff had had an abortion.
The court heard Lowe went round to Miss McNuff's house in Droylsden, Manchester on March 11 in a rage and kicked in the door before stabbing her.
Miss McNuff's brother, Ryan, who lived next door, and mother Margaret heard the disturbance and ran round to find the doors hanging off.
They found the boy standing in the hallway, crying: 'Daddy's killed Mummy.' The four-year-old then asked his grandmother: 'Can you help Mummy, Nana?'
Manchester Crown Court heard Mr Lowe, a lance corporal with 1st Battalion, the Duke of Lancaster Regiment, had discovered that Leanne had aborted their second child after hacking into her Facebook account.
It is also alleged that he discovered on the day she was killed that Leanne had started a relationship with another man.

He has admitted a charge of manslaughter but denies murder, claiming Leanne lunged at him with the knife and he wrestled it from her grasp.
Neil Flewitt QC said: 'When Ryan McNuff stepped inside he saw Jaden to the right of the front door, crying and screaming ‘Daddy’s killed Mummy’.
'Ryan McNuff checked the living room and, on discovering that it was empty, ran quickly upstairs where he discovered the body of his sister lying on the landing.'
The jury was told that Leanne’s mother, Margaret McNuff, then ran inside and found her grandson standing at the top of the stairs wearing his pyjamas.
The court heard that a neighbour, Sheila Holland, ran to help and agreed to take care of the child before police and paramedics arrived.
Mr Flewitt said: 'Once inside Jaden said to Sheila Holland, ‘Sheila, do you know my Daddy? He has killed my Mummy and she is all red’.'
The jury was told that Lowe, who was based at Army barracks in Catterick, North Yorkshire, and had started a relationship with another woman, ran to the home of his mother, Lorraine Lowe, and confessed.
Mr Lowe is alleged to have told Mrs Lowe: 'I booted the front door in.He was in the front room and Leanne was at the top of the stairs, shouting at me to get out. I ran up, stabbed her four times and I stamped on her face.'
The jury was told of Leanne’s horrific stab and stamp injuries, including marks on her hands where she fought to save her life.
Mr Flewitt said ‘patterned bruises’ caused by the impact of the sole of a shoe were found on her face.
He added: 'Although it is not likely that these blows accelerated Leanne McNuff’s death, they could have rendered her unconscious or dazed, making her less capable of defending herself from attack.'
The court heard that, when the pair met at Miss McNuff's home to discuss the pregnancy on February 18, a violent row broke out during which Lowe called Miss McNuff a 'prostitute' and accused her of 'sleeping around'.
Break up: Leanne McNuff and Lowe had been dating since 2006 but broke up a month before the killing in March this year
As Miss McNuff tried to force him out of the house, Lowe is said to have grabbed her by the thoat and begun 'shaking her from side to side'.
In a statement given to police at the time, Miss McNuff recalled: 'He’s shaking me from side to side and I’m almost on the floor.
'I’ve lost my footing but being held up by Ian gripping my clothing and he’s shaking me about.
'Somehow, whilst he’s still ragging me about, I’ve twisted and he’s got hold of my hair.
'Now he’s got a grip of my clothing and a grip of my hair and he’s still shaking me about.
'At some point he’s let go of my jumper and his left arm has come around my throat choking me and making it hard to breathe for a few seconds. I was frightened to death.
'I didn’t know what was going to happen. I was scared wither he’d really hurt me or I’d lose the baby.
'Then Ian’s released me and pushed me to the floor. He’s gone to kick me.
'At first I think he was going to kick me hard but he held back and it wasn’t a very hard kick in my back.
'Then he’s picked up his bag and ran out of the gate.'
Lowe was later arrested and charged with assault and was ordered not to contact Leanne under his bail conditions.
But the court heard that, only an hour later, Miss McNuff rang police again to claim that Lowe had called her.
The next day, February 20, Miss McNuff went in secret to an abortion clinic for a consultation.
She terminated the unborn baby on March 1.
Lowe found out about the abortion on March 10 - the day before the killing - when he hacked into Leanne’s Facebook account, the court heard.
The day before her death Mr Lowe, who used Facebook under the name Ian ‘Boom Boom’ Lowe, wrote on his Facebook page: 'Need a weapon out of the armoury to shoot the bitch', the jury heard.
That evening, Lowe went for a drink with his father and a family friend who said he 'looked as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders'.
He is alleged to have killed Miss McNuff hours later.
The trial continues.
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