Monday 3 September 2012

200 ACN Members Defect to PDP in Osun

Mrs. Olusola Obada
Erelu-Olusola-Obada-15.jpg - Erelu-Olusola-Obada-15.jpg
Mrs. Olusola Obada

About 200 members of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) in Osun State on Friday, defected to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
The defectors, who are from Ilesa West, Atakumosa West and Atakumosa East local government areas of the state were received by chieftains of the party in the state, led by the Minister of State for Defence, Mrs. Olusola Obada, and the state chairman of the party, Alhaji Gani Olaoluwa. They said the decision to defect to PDP as manifested in the large turnout of crowd showed that PDP was love by the people of the state.

Obada, who was joined by former Minister of Transport, Chief Ebenezer Babatope, Alhaji Shuaib Oyedokun, Dr. Duro Famojuro, Alhaji Fatai Akinbade, Senator Olu Alabi, Chief Atinuke Oyawoye, Chief Oladipupo Ogunleye and other chieftains of the party, said the defection of the ACN members was a manifestation that PDP was still on ground.

The minister, who thanked the leaders of the party and its member for making the party more attractive, also urged the defectors to team up with other members in order to oust the ACN government come 2014 general election.

“This is a landmark event because this shows that we are on ground in the state. This is a signal also that by 2014, nothing will stop us from reclaiming the state,” she stressed.

She informed the party faithful that the PDP was the only party, that cares for the welfare of the masses, and that people of Osun State were missing the good governance they enjoyed when the PDP was in government in the state.

Speaking at the rally, Oyedokun said ACN leaders were all out to better their lots at the expense of the masses, stating that as one of the foundation members of ACN, he decided to leave the party when it became obvious that those who parades themselves as leaders of the party were only interested feathering their nest at the expense of the masses.

“We formed A CN, but we latter left the party, part of the reasons for leaving the party is that when we realised that, the so called leaders of the party operate like a cult, and were self centre and anybody who identifies with the party can make success out of the party, because its leaders are selfish and self centred,” he said.

Responding on behalf the defectors, Mr Sunday Oyejide (Abore), said they decided to dump ACN because its leaders are deceitful and careless about the welfare of the masses, he said the incumbent governor of the state Mr. Rauf Aregbesola, made many promises to them before he became the governor of the state, but he reneged on the promises made when he get into office

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