Wednesday 24 October 2012

Shock as Brazilian Man Interrupts His Own Funeral

A Brazilian family said they did not realize a body had been misidentified as a family member until the “dead” man interrupted his own funeral.
The family of Gilberto Araujo, 41, of Alagoinhas, said they had not seen the car washer for four months when they misidentified the body of a similar-looking man as their family member Sunday, G1 reported Tuesday.

Araujo said he learned about Monday’s funeral plans from an acquaintance and called a friend who was attending the service, but the mourners refused to believe he was still alive until he showed up in person and interrupted the ceremony.

Araujo’s brother said the family does not see him very often and he is often found living in different places, so they had no reason to believe the body was not Araujo.
The body has been returned to police, who are trying to determine the dead man’s true identity.

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