Wednesday 10 October 2012

We didn't Kill Students in Mubi - Boko Haram

The insurgent group, Jama’atu Ahlis Sunnah lil Da’awati wal Jihad, also known as Boko Haram, has denied carrying out the attack that claimed the lives of dozens of people most of them students in Mubi, Adamawa State, last week.

A man who claimed to be a senior member of the group, who spoke with newsmen yesterday, said his group had nothing to do with the killing of students in Mubi.

“We have no business with students or student politics. If students are our target we would have killed them randomly on sight and in their school and not sneak on them in the creeping darkness in an area occupied by both students and residents,” he said.

He said the mode of attack is not characteristic of the sect’s numerous attacks. “Several press releases by our spokesman and Imam in the past have made it clear who our enemies are, I don’t have to repeat it here. I don’t think anybody amongst us has the time to draw up a list or read it out before executing the students,” he said.

The group’s denial throws another controversy into the likely perpetrators of the attack in which students of the Federal Polytechnic Mubi were killed on October 1.

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